About The Manderson Trust

The Manderson Trust for the disabled

Initially set up by Denis Manderson to allow disabled and less able-bodied
fishermen and women easy access to a fishing lake,
the complex is open to everyone who enjoys fishing,
whether as a day-ticket, season ticket or family membership.

The trust is maintained by a committee of members
who voluntarily donate their time and efforts to enable the lakes to function.

We have an 'Honesty box' system for Day ticket purchases near the office door
Please put your payment in one of the brown envelopes provided,
fill in the details on the label, and pop it into the black box.

Note that the gate is not necessarily unlocked at any specific time,
so if wishing to fish early it is worth contacting a member of the committee in advance!
Day-ticket fishing is allowed up until dusk. - details here

Please note that unless you hold a night permit (available to members for an annual charge of £25)
fishing is only permitted from dawn to dusk, whether you are a member or not.

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